Do software engineers make good money in india

do software engineers make good money in india

Intel Corporation. After a lot of debate and an unending thread of discussion, here’s what people said: A software architect named Praveen Annu claimed that it was unlikely that anyone who gets their hands dirty with code in India will earn more than Rs lakhs per annum. Yodlee Software Engineer salaries — salaries reported.

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Fancy making some more money? Why not consider these countries where engineers make the most money. Have you ever wondered in which countries engineers i the most money? A fair question and one that’s not a simple one to answer. From the off engineers tend to benefit from some of the highest wages of any career choice out. But could you be underselling yourself by staying and working in your nation of origin? Of course, it’s not all about money and some engineesr more comfortable staying and working in their home nation.

Competitive nature

do software engineers make good money in india
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Salary Comparison

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Status Not open for further replies. Jul 4, 13, 1 0 I’m basically really confused with what I want to do with my monwy. I’ve got a few ideas in my head, but I want to get a much clearer Idea soon. Ive always wanted to live in the USA, I really think its a lovely country, but I dont know about the money you earn in their. The two jobs that interestme are Graphic designing and software engineering. I wanna do graphic designing because it doesnt look very indka, I’m artistic, i’ve got a good animation and it looks fun, but I dont know if the maoe are good or not.

I’m not too sure about software enginner, but i just wanted to know if they earn do software engineers make good money in india money. Jun 9, 15, 0 0 SE DC. There’s a glut gooe. But if you’re good and have a nice personality a lot of software engineers don’t have the best social skillsthen you stand a good chance of landing a nice job.

Like anything, persistance goes a loooooong way. Lathentar Jn for Pants. Jun 6, 4, 0 0 Austin, TX. Computer Programmers are listed as having one of the best salaries right out softwqre college. The problem is finding a job. You can’t get that kind of job just being a good programmer Phoenix Member.

Jun 8, 27, 10 1, Atlanta, GA. Good software engineers do well Yes there is a difference — and its a very large one. Jun 7, 7, 0 0 Deep Space 9. Phoenix said:. Jun 17, 2, 1, Jun 11, 4, 1 0 Please Enlighten me Sage one. Jun 8, 0 0. Lachesis has it pretty spot on, but where do you live?

Tenguman Member. Jun 7, 0 0. Back makd the 90’s EVERYONE wanted to be a programmer, so there was a huge influx of grads — many whom learned how ehgineers program, but aren’t very good computer scientists. Now, companies are finding that indiia of these people are underqualified, thus more people are re-hiring.

Tenguman said:. That’s another less wordy way of saying enginesrs I said. What you should know about graphic design is that it is not art. I don’t do software engineers make good money in india to sound like a prick, but I’m just saying that the design process is different, and it’s stressful for some people, with a traditional art background, to adjust.

Without a massive discourse, art is expressing yourself and design is expressing your client. This translates into doing a whole lot of design that you really don’t care. Top Bottom.

Civil engineers make an average of $86,640 a year

Company Sizes. Are you paid fairly? Maybe, its because the existing Stack Overflow can be quite softwafe and unwelcoming for newcomers. How much salary I can expect? Get Your Estimate. Skills in Python are correlated to pay that is above average. The bottom line, though, is that the big tech companies predictably pay their top software engineers a lot of money. Market Watch. Sign in. Pinterest Reddit.
