Make money at home freelancing

make money at home freelancing

Depending on your knowledge and skills, you can pick one or a combination of these activities to offer as a service. English is not my first language and I just wanted to ask how this will affect me if joining sites like Elance. Taking advantage of a freelancing platform like Elance seemed a no-brainer to me, because real, paying clients were already there, looking to hire someone who could help them. Do I jump in by underbidding everyone else just for the sake of getting feedback? I have a blog which I link for potential clients to peruse my work and writing style. Because of the platform’s vastness, it may seem too daunting for a newbie.

One Last Recommendation

Our number one goal at DollarSprout is to help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with companies that share that same vision. Some of the links in this post may be from our partners. In a pinch and need a little extra cash? Looking for easy ways to make money from home? And whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, our financial situations have an enormous impact on almost every facet of our lives.

4.4. Freelance Designer

make money at home freelancing
A couple of years ago I quit my job abruptly and decided to work-at-home. My plan? To become a freelance copywriter and make money using Elance, a popular online freelancing platform where hundreds of jobs are posted each day. Taking advantage of a freelancing platform like Elance seemed a no-brainer to me, because real, paying clients were already there, looking to hire someone who could help them. Instead of goofing around with cold calling , networking, and marketing myself online not to mention good old-fashioned prayer , I could just start applying for jobs that very same day. Which is exactly what I did.

12 Easy Freelance Jobs for Beginners — No Experience Needed

24 Best Ways To Make Money from Home

You may want to have a signed agreement in place to seal the deal. VIP Contributor. Login with Facebook Login with Google. Sign Up. Taking online classes like a Skillcrush Blueprint can get you on the right track and put you in charge of your education. And given that I started with no formal experience or training whatsoeverI think that earning money on sites like Elance is something that just about anyone can. They offer a quick and affordable way to brighten up your images.
