Make pocket money through internet

make pocket money through internet

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Nowadays most children get pocket money from their parents. Some people think that money can spoil the young. Others make pocket money through internet that giving money encourages them to do the best. I, personally, think that pocket money is not a necessary thing for children. Firstly, they are too young to deal with money and spend it wisely. In fact, instead of buying useful stuff they can spend it on cigarettes and alcohol.

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make pocket money through internet
Educational resources of the Internet — English. A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need. Many parents wonder whether to give pocket money to their children and how much to give. Most Moms and Dads think that pocket money helps the child learn to handle money sensibly.

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Nowadays most children get pocket money from their parents. Some people think that money can spoil the young. Others think that giving money encourages them to do the best.

I, personally, think that pocket money is not a necessary thing for children. Firstly, they are too young to deal with money and spend it wisely. In fact, instead of buying useful stuff they can spend it on cigarettes and alcohol. It can cause health-threatening habits.

Besides, when children receive money regularly they can get used to wasting it and become selfish and egoistic. Finally, it is wrong to pay children for marks at school. Studying is a duty of. In fact, students should take learning as a way to become well-educated, but not to earn money.

However, opponents claim that when pocket money is associated to chores make pocket money through internet tasks, children are more motivated to carry them. Firstly, they may perceive these small jobs as an opportunity to be rewarded. Secondly, managing a tight budget is a good training for their future lives. Anyway, I disagree with this opinion. Even small budget of pocket money can impact badly on them because they can sacrifice useful needs to buying unnecessary things like accessories or amusements.

As for material rewarding, there is a danger that children can stop understanding that they should do many things, such as completing their homework and getting good grades, without cash rewards, because they are just their duties. Summing up, it is obvious for me that giving pocket money is bad because pocket money may send a wrong signal to the young. When pocket money is handed over on a reward bases children may think that they deserve payment for anything good they.

Pocket money. Is good or bad for children?

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