How to start a money making youtube channel

how to start a money making youtube channel

But at the same time, hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute. This is a pretty standard time frame for any business, and a solid benchmark for YouTube success. I discovered this wikiHow article and decided to give it a shot. Make sure to tag your videos with key words that describe the content, as well as an eye-catching description.

How to Make Money on YouTube

Suppose you are an avid lover of cars and you have heard that the new Audi model is dazzling and radiant. You make up your mind to buy it. You look to yourself and think that you work 10 — 12 hours of a day devotedly and are able to earn only Rs. Then you start to search for alternative ways of earning to fulfill your future wishes. You either switch to another job or start to search for online jobs.

Ways to make money in the YouTube Partner Program

how to start a money making youtube channel
Last Updated on November 16, Around the globe, five billion YouTube videos are watched every day. YouTube is as popular as ever with users spending an average of 40 minutes a single YouTube session. In line with this digital shift, the next thing to learn is how to make money on YouTube. All you need is video editing software and some a computer and you can get started on YouTube. Not bad for playing around with gadgets. Making money via YouTube is no longer exclusive to platinum musicians or huge influencers.

What’s next?

Suppose you are an avid lover of cars and you have heard monet the new Audi model is dazzling and radiant. You make up your mind to buy it. You look to yourself and think that you work 10 — 12 hours of a day devotedly and are able to earn only Rs. Then you start to search for alternative ways of earning to fulfill your future wishes. You either switch to another job or start to search for online jobs. Among the online jobs, I suggest you start a Youtube channel which is the most reliable method of making money.

Youtube may not be the quickest vhannel of earning money but it is by far the most compatible method. Earning from YouTube Videos may not transform you from a beggar into a billionaire but you surely can make lakhs every month. You mkney have to upload videos after starting your channel. When you think that you are earning momey from this platform, then you can quit your job and devote yourself fully to it. Youtube is a great way to make money but you need a strong basis for this purpose.

These are some of the fundamentals for earning money from Youtube. First, you need great content to offer to the people. Your content should include the following qualities:. It should also add some value to their lives. It should contain simple as well as familiar words e.

Wordy is usually preferred. Your videos should target the right audience, for e. The videos should be presented in such a way as to engage the people throughout the video and it should not bore.

You should edit your videos with proper techniques letting it should not be so clumsy so that the viewer finds no option instead of switching to another video. Imagine a situation where you take part in a chess competition while you have never played chess for a single time in your life. What will be the result? You know better. The same is with the YouTube videos. Monfy subject of the videos should first be relevant to you.

It should not be like that you are uploading cooking videos. You have to understand that many people are already doing well there so your masterpiece cannot be viral at once on the youtube. After starting your channel, it may be that you may yooutube no or few views in the beginning.

The thing is that you should not lose hope. You should keep on uploading. Many types of people upload their videos on Youtube. Mostly for earning but sometimes for fun and for other reasons too:.

Just with a handful of devices, beginners can upload their videos on Youtube and make money through Youtube business. Youtube is a good source of income for unemployed people. People can hoe money while being at home. Youtube is a great place for business marketers.

They can inform people about their products, brands, and strategies through informative videos. Some people upload videos on Youtube just for fun. Rather they are more interested in showing their skills and perfection to the world. Now here is a brief description of how to start a channel and earn money.

For easiness, I have written it in the form of steps. Step 1: To access Youtube, first, you need a Gmail account.

Step 2: After creating a free Gmail account and with the help of your Gmail account, sign in to the Youtube account. Google provides you with a personalized dashboard for you to access the various features of YouTube. Step 3: Click ma,ing the user icon present on the top ho corner of the screen to create a new channel. Step 4: Instead xhannel setting your own name as the channel, set an appealing and engaging name as it will eventually help you in driving traffic.

Step 5: Next, you have to fill the Description section. I think it should contain information about you and your product. Step 6: Your channel picture should be the last thing to. Again it should be expressive, and high-quality. The backbone of your successful videos is the content.

No matter how good your presentation is, if the real content is weak and illogical, you are not able mxking compete. Your videos should be relevant to the mobey and should contain common things youfube different aspects. With your skills and mind, you can show your audience each and every aspect of your subject. Although your content should be sensitive and logical, it should include emotional and sentimental moneey as.

While watching the videos, people should relate to your content. It should compel them to watch the video. Each of us loves beauty, uniqueness, and adventure. So your videos must be related to your audience. A good way of judging your video is by placing yourself as an channe.

In this way, you can analyze your video much better. The best example is Zaid AliT whose videos are viral all over the Youtube. The way he discusses the common problems of our lives in a comical way is commendable.

You should tell people about your services and especially sales and discounts because it will attract a lot of people. People are always interested in spending less and saving more money! Now if you are uploading a religious video, then it should contain ethical and sacred elements. It should not dhannel abusive to other religions because this may also cause a ban on your channel. Filming the video may seem easy but it can have a lot of effect on your traffic.

While filming, you have to be careful about some things. Firstly your camera should be of high quality. High-quality professional cameras e. Now after you have filmed your video, you have to edit it properly. Many apps, as well as software, are available for this purpose such as:. Some people edit other videos and then upload them on their channel or upload the original video directly on their channel. Now in simple language, Google Adsense youtuhe you the money through Youtube.

It displays different ads on your videos through which you are able to make money. As your videos are viewed by more and more people, Google starts to display ads to give you money for your videos.

InYoutube had announced that to earn money from Youtube, one needs at least 10, views. This was easy for most of the Youtubers stwrt in Youtube announced a new policy. According to it, people who want to earn money must have at least 1, subscribers and 4, hours watching time. The new policy was much difficult youfube the previous one. So now you know how to start a money making youtube channel I have put so much emphasis on video content and presentation.

Without credibility, you are not going to mark yourself among the successful Youtubers. Select the video and click on Ok. Now, what to do after uploading your video. Channek for the views and subscriptions! No uoutube major step is still stqrt Marketing. People think that marketing is an optional thing. Youtubers forget that people will not know about your product unless you tell.

The real game starts after uploading. Without right and strong marketing strategies, you are not going to earn more than 5, bucks. Tell them about your videos and ask them to recommend it to. This may also cause a plus point to your reputation in your circle. Even the most stupid content may spread like fire due to initiation. Syart it is yotuube best way to tell people about your channel. You can share anchor links, create pages and groups about your channel.

You can tweet about your videos. It will help to drive a lot of traffic into your channel. At the end makin the blog, you can give a direct link to your sgart.

5 Ways to Make Money on YouTube with a Small Channel

How Much Money Can You Make on YouTube?

We have some advice on how to promote your YouTube channel and by extension, your crowdfunding campaign everywhere. RB Raymond Bacon Oct 12, Wear or use your merch in your videos. No, uploading and monetizing your videos is completely etart. I was able to quickly read though the material and gain helpful insight on exactly what I needed to do in order to make my project a success.
